Monday, May 16, 2011 @ 11:38 AM

Hello, today whole day no lesson for me. I had suspension, then need sit at foyer until school ends. I sat till my butt aching ): Wednesday there's another suspension for me. But luckily, its the last day of suspension for me. Unless, im late for sch again. They changed the rules already. If you're late on a certainday, you will have suspension on that certain day. Haish. I must try my best to wake up earlier already.
When i was sitting at the foyer, NgHwaYang asked for my maths files. Damn, i forgot where i placed all my subjects' files. Esp maths, geog and physics. Im gonna die.
On thurs, i'll be having PE. I have this weird feeling that Mr Singh (PE teacher) is gonna ask me to run 2.4 - since i haven't ran, up till now. If possible, i might not attend school on that day. (:
I finally passed at least one subject, which is science - 50/90. Although im not satisfied with my results, but at least i passed. From what i've heard, not much from my class had passed science. Amanda told me that my english paper, i failed my comprehension compartment. Its okay, as long as my other compartments help me to score. And hopefully, i think i'll pass. All that's left now is my Chinese and my literature results. I hope i scored well. Lalala.
P.S, those are the pictures i drew while i was having suspension. I even folded one box of stars. ><
Finally sleeping soon,
Sunday, May 15, 2011 @ 9:07 AM
Its 12.08am and im not yet asleep. Im having school tmr, and yet, im still bankai-ing with my dear twinneh, nicholas teng. Haha, its not like i wanna go to bed for school tmr anyways. I dont wanna see my horrible results for my MYE. ): I failed 3 subjects so far. I just hope my science, english, chinese, and lit wont fail. >< Stressed out now. Bytheway, thats me & Nicholas Teng in the picture :b.
Boy, please be honoured hor. I told you mine will be better :D
Finally done,
@ 3:20 AM
Finally done with my 16512867th blog. So tired after creating this blog. Google chrome keep crash, then need restart. Super pekchek. Felt so relieved after creating this blog :p I need many many tags from you people, thanks :D
Saturday, May 14, 2011 @ 10:29 AM
Testingtesting yi xia. Created new blog because old blog was so, very, dead. Haha, enjoy :p